Aam aadmi lunch? When Nirmala Sitharaman walked to a Bengaluru restaurant for a meal
Aam aadmi lunch? When Nirmala Sitharaman walked to a Bengaluru restaurant for a meal

Aam aadmi lunch? When Nirmala Sitharaman walked to a Bengaluru restaurant for a meal

Nirmala Sitharaman decided to have lunch at an Udupi restaurant along with a few people who came to meet her.

In a surprise to many, Indian Defence Minister and Rajya Sabha MP Nirmala Sitharaman was seen walking on the streets of Bengaluru with a few people, and with minimal security on December 30.

She was in Bengaluru on December 30, where she spoke to various stakeholders in her office regarding an MPLADS programme in her constituency. Nirmala was meeting about 10 people to also understand their perceptions on various issues, and to develop an understanding of how various government schemes have been perceived by the common man.

Suresh N, the CEO of a tech start-up and one of the attendees told TNM that it was not planned at all. “Even her having lunch with us was not planned. Around lunchtime, she just asked us what we were planning to do. We told her that we had booked some place close by and it’s just walking distance. We decided to walk there, and she said that she would come with us as well as she was hungry. Suddenly, she just decided to walk. Honestly, we were scared, because she is a high value target. We were not so happy about that, but she just started walking with us,” he said.

“It’s not so often that we get to have lunch with a Union Cabinet Minister. So as a common man, it’s a big thing for us,” he added.

Some of those who attended the session termed it as a ‘real Aam Aadmi lunch.’

Images show Nirmala, dressed in a black and white saree, walking the streets of Bengaluru like a regular pedestrian, and having lunch at an Udupi restaurant.

However, according to Kiran Kumar S, another attendee, the people at the restaurant had been informed by the Defence Minister’s security detail, but people on the road and the police had no clue.

While many praised her for her simplicity, some Twitter users asked her not to expose herself to danger.

The News Minute