16 cartoons that show exactly how the world feels about Charlie Hebdo attack

16 cartoons that show exactly how the world feels about Charlie Hebdo attack
16 cartoons that show exactly how the world feels about Charlie Hebdo attack
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The News Minute | January 8, 2015 | 10:28 am IST On Wednesday, masked gunmen entered the office of Charlie Hebdo, a French satirical newspaper  in Paris, killing 12 people, including the magazine's Editor, top journalists and two police officers. The newspaper has been attacked in the past too for lampooning Prophet Muhemmed. Illustrators, journalists and people in general have strongly voiced their opinions against the heinous crime, severely condemning it. Apart from messages of support for the magazine and condolences for those who lost their lives from people across the world, cartoonists have taken to the social media to give a message, of uniting against violence, through what they do best- their cartoons. Also read: These are some of the cartoons by journalists at Charlie HebdoCan't sleep tonight, thoughts with my French cartooning colleagues, their families and loved ones #CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/LqIMRCHPgK— David Pope (@davpope) January 7, 2015"Without Humour We Are All Dead"Cartoonist @PatChappatteIN MEMORY OF MY COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS FROM CHARLIE HEBDO pic.twitter.com/kQXsYyVVJS— CRNI (@CRNetInt) January 8, 2015Cartoon by Matt on #CharlieHebdo massacre #JeSuisCharlie pic.twitter.com/VtUg0IphUF— CRNI (@CRNetInt) January 7, 2015I just drew this on a plane to Houston, please share for #CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/am5kRYvYZV— Lalo Alcaraz (@laloalcaraz) January 7, 2015#JeSuisCharlie cc: @CRNetInt pic.twitter.com/PU86EOk0Oo— ChristopherRodrigues (@klaaskatkop) January 7, 2015#JesuisCharlie-Daddy..what happened to Charlie?_Intolerance. pic.twitter.com/jZ1H6uIb2l— Pascal Campion (@pascalcampion) January 7, 2015#CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/ay6ugiyvnd— -Boulet- (@Bouletcorp) January 7, 2015#CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/du7R4NW1zO— Ruben L. Oppenheimer (@RLOppenheimer) January 7, 2015#CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/15O4YC2KWg— Ruben L. Oppenheimer (@RLOppenheimer) January 7, 2015The powerful tributes to the victims of the Charlie Hebdo shooting http://t.co/pxRaFxCWMP pic.twitter.com/x7H7AnzhmQ— The Independent (@Independent) January 7, 2015RT @MANJULtoons: Last message from #CharlieHebdo cartoonists to their killers. My #cartoon pic.twitter.com/ExTQndzuem— SonaliRanade (@sonaliranade) January 8, 2015Free speech is more dear when purchased with lives. We honor the journalists of #CharlieHebdo. pic.twitter.com/fG8JBkEyP7— AL.com (@aldotcom) January 8, 2015My award-winning cartoonist friends @MorinToon & #JeffDanziger respond. #JeSuisCharlie #CharlieHebdo #NotAfraid pic.twitter.com/EbLJnmTjDn— Sree Sreenivasan (@sree) January 8, 2015The great Steve Bell on the #CharlieHebdo attackshttp://t.co/BH7mzHazPQ pic.twitter.com/ZJHWnH2SMZ— Simon Rogers (@smfrogers) January 7, 2015#CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/jIBbrIShe8— Francisco J. Olea (@oleismos) January 7, 2015The little weapon! #CharlieHebdo #cartoon pic.twitter.com/VFFZD2f8Rz— Satish Acharya (@satishacharya) January 7, 2015Tweet

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