Iodized Salt and mental development: Does your salt have the right amount of iodine?

Iodine deficiency triggers a horde of symptoms ranging from mildly discomforting to severe to even perilous.
Iodized Salt and mental development: Does your salt have the right amount of iodine?
Iodized Salt and mental development: Does your salt have the right amount of iodine?
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This article is authored by Dr. Shweta U. Shah for Tata Nutrikorner. Dr. Shah follows a patient-centred perspective, emphasizing the benefits of natural remedies and herbs, and whole food nutrition. Tata Nutrikorner is online platform aimed at bringing native Indian nutritional values back into the conversation. Health, nutrition, wellness – the Indian way.

Iodine is a micronutrient which has a very crucial part to play in the development and functioning of our body. Although needed in a small quantity, it can have grave ramifications if not consumed in the recommended dose. Iodine deficiency causes serious health issues in pregnant women and in children. Iodine insufficiency may adversely affect mental development in children.

The Significance of iodine

Iodine is naturally found in seafood, dairy products, eggs and grains. Most countries iodize their salt to prevent iodine deficiency and its awful consequences. Iodine deficiency triggers a horde of symptoms ranging from mildly discomforting to severe to even perilous.

Here are the essential uses of the mineral in our body:

Principally, the thyroid gland needs iodine to synthesize thyroid hormones, which are pivotal for the physical and mental growth and development, tissue repair and to regulate metabolism.

Thyroid hormones, and indirectly iodine, have a part to play in the monitoring of body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate.

Iodine also has a huge bearing on the functioning of the immune system.

The Relation Between Iodine and Mental Health

When the body’s iodine requirement is not met, the thyroid gland fails to manufacture adequate amounts of the thyroid hormones. Consequently, the amount of the thyroid hormones in the blood is low and it causes grave functional and developmental anomalies.

Iodine deficit is a major cause of poor mental developmental in children, causing a low IQ in school- going kids. The consequence of iodine deficiency during pregnancy is - an inadequate manufacture of the thyroid hormones by the mother and the foetus. As a result, there can be mental retardation in the child. In fact, impairment to the brain and irreversible mental retardation are the most severe disorders linked to a lack of iodine.

Experts state that a daily intake of salt that has been fortified with iodine is an efficient stratagem to prevent iodine deficiency. Consumption of iodized salt is sufficient to meet your everyday iodine requirement.

Iodized Salt – Vitally Important For Health

In India, iodine deficiency disorders comprise of an important causative factor of avoidable brain damage. The ramifications of iodine deficiency disorders are invisible and irreversible; but - preventable. We are prone to iodine deficiency disorders because of an iodine deficit in the soil of the subcontinent and accordingly in the food derived from it. Statistics reveal that about 350 million people do not consume iodized salt and are prone to iodine deficiency disorders. To circumvent the risk, our salt is reinforced with iodine. Iodized salt is a very efficient way to increase iodine intake in the population. As of today, iodized salt coverage in our country is 91% with only 71% people consuming sufficiently iodized salt. The National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program’s (NIDDCP) goal in India is to decrease the prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders below 10%.

Tata Salt ensures purity as well as the right amount of iodine. In fact, if you are wondering which is the best salt for your health requirements Tata Salt offers a whole range to choose from– Tata salt, Tata Salt Lite (Iodized and Low Sodium), Tata Salt Plus (Double Fortified Salt: Iron & Iodine), Tata Rock Salt and Tata Black Salt. Consult your physician and choose the right alternative from this range.

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The New England Journal of Medicine, 1997.

Indian Journal of Medical Research, 2018.

International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD Global Network)

This article was created by Tata Nutrikorner for TNM Brand Studio, and not by TNM Editorial. 

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