The News Minute | November 6, 2014 | 01:32 pm IST
Dhoom 3, Chennai Express and Holiday- what do these Bollywood movies have in common? Apart from them being big banner projects starring superstars, and also some of the highest grossing Bollywood films?
Another common thread stringing the films together could be their logic defying plots. One production company, Bollywood Sins, has reviewed these movies titled 'Plenty Wrong...'
The 'sins', some ranging above hundred, are downright hilarious partly due to the narration and partly because you wonder how could you have missed them while watching the film.
Those who have not seen the movie can watch these videos just for their fun quotient.
The videos have been uploaded on Bollywood Sin's Facebook Page and have been trending on social media sites.
Most movies are made to entertain people, where rules of valid reasoning go out of the window. This of course does not apply to those like Bollywood Sins who seem to watch movies with a hawk's eye.