Detective Inspector (DI) Rami Reddy and five constables, currently under suspension, have been booked by Telangana police under provisions of the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act for subjecting a Dalit woman to third degree torture while investigating a theft case.
On July 28, Sunitha, the victim, her husband and son were summoned to the Shadnagar police station in Hyderabad in connection with a theft case. Sunitha’s neighbour Ubbani Nagender filed a case on July 24, alleging theft of Rs 4.25 lakh in cash and gold.
The victim was stripped and tortured for nearly a week as per the complaint. After her release, Sunitha approached local leaders, who brought the allegations of torture to the notice of higher officials. Sunitha alleged that the police coerced her and her 13-year-old son into confessing the crime.
Following the incident, Cyberabad police commissioner Avinash Mohanty on August 5, had suspended the detective inspector and the five constables. An internal inquiry has also been initiated against them.