Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) working president KT Rama Rao (KTR) on Friday, August 16 said he never intended to “insult his sisters” after his comments on the free bus scheme for women triggered a row. The Telangana State Women’s Commission took suo moto cognizance of his remarks and asked him to appear on August 24.
“If the comments I made at a BRS gathering offended our sisters, I express my regrets. I never intended to slight or insult my sisters,” he said.
During a public meeting on August 15, KTR took a dig at Telangana minister Seethakka who had earlier said that women travelling in buses chose to keep themselves busy peeling garlic, or with other activities.
“We have no problem with peeling garlic. But we (referring to BRS) did not know that a bus could also be used like that. You should have told us earlier… Families can travel together, women can peel garlic, cut vegetables and if need be even break dance and record it in buses,” he said.
Criticising KTR, Seethakka said the comments were ‘revolting and demeaning’ towards women. She demanded a public apology, questioning KTR’s respect for women and accusing him of displaying lack of decency.
Congress Party workers, led by District President Paidakula Ashok, burned an effigy of KTR in Mulugu district. Ashok said KTR losing power had not diminished his ego. Seeking a public apology, he said, “Lakhs of women in Telangana are happy with the free bus travel scheme and you must apologise publicly for your derogatory comments.”
The Telangana government launched the free bus scheme on December 9, 2023 less than a week after winning the state assembly polls on December 3. Similar schemes have been launched in Karnataka by the Congress– Shakti Scheme–and Tamil Nadu by the DMK government. While the schemes have been criticised, studies have shown that free bus travel has had a positive influence on women’s autonomy and mobility.
A recent survey by Citizen consumer and civic Action Group, a Chennai based NGO noted that the ‘zero ticket bus travel’ scheme enabled women to save money otherwise spent on travel. With the savings, women were able to spend on household necessities, education and health care.
Also Read: TN zero ticket bus scheme has enabled leisure activities and savings for women