Janata Dal (Secular) MLA HD Revanna, son of former PM HD Devegowda, has approached the Karnataka High Court with two petitions challenging the legality of criminal cases against him. These cases involve kidnapping a woman who was allegedly sexually abused by Revanna’s son and Hassan MP, Prajwal Revanna, and sexually harassing a former farm help. The cases were filed at KR Nagar and Holenarasipura police stations, respectively.
Prajwal Revanna has been accused of sexually abusing numerous women and recording them on his phone. On April 28, a 47-year-old woman filed a complaint against the MP accusing him of harassing her and her daughter. Shortly after, more women came forward with complaints against him. Subsequently Prajwal was suspended from the party on April 30. So far four women have filed complaints against both Revanna and Prajwal Revanna.
One woman from KR Nagara who worked at Revanna’s farm was allegedly sexually abused by Prajwal. When the videos of the abuse came to light, Revanna allegedly kidnapped and threatened her against testifying. He got bail in the case on May 13.
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the case has also petitioned the High Court, contesting the Special Court of Sessions' decision to grant bail to Revanna in the kidnapping case.
Revanna is also accused of sexually harassing another woman.
Both petitions are pending listing for hearing in the High Court.
Read: “Women are going to be more scared now” – why activists say HD Revanna should have been denied bail