In a tragic incident on the outskirts of Bengaluru, an 18-year-old boy allegedly killed his 13-year-old brother following an argument over playing video games on a mobile phone. The incident occurred on May 15, and the teen has been arrested and sent to judicial custody.
The accused, a school dropout, and his younger brother who recently passed Class 7, were living with their parents in a farmhouse near Neriga village. The family hails from Adoni in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh.
According to reports, the accused asked his younger brother to stop playing the video game and return his mobile phone. Their parents were not at home. When the 13-year-old boy refused, the accused grabbed a hammer in a fit of rage and threatened his brother. When the boy refused to hand over the phone again, the accused struck him with the hammer. The boy sustained severe injuries and collapsed.
When their parents returned around 6:30 pm, the accused claimed that he found the body of his brother in the grove. When the accused was taken by police for questioning, he confessed to the crime leading to his arrest.