In a tragic incident, a 15-year-old boy was killed in Hyderabad’s Shaikpet area, during a ‘dagger dance’ being performed by a 19-year-old at an engagement function in the city on Friday.
The victim, identified as Syed Hameed, died in the early hours of Saturday after a severe throat injury but the case only came to light when his parents lodged a complaint with the police.
Speaking to reporters, the police said that the incident took place at around 10:30 pm on Friday when Mohammad Junaid, who was Hameed’s relative, was dancing with two daggers.
“When the demonstration was going on, people were offering money and applauding his performance. Hameed too tried to do the same and got close to him and suffered the injury in the process. The injury on his throat was two centimetres deep. He died while undergoing treatment around 3.30 am on Saturday,” Raidurgam Inspector M Ram Babu told reporters.
The police also mentioned that Junaid almost lost control and was close to injuring a few people as he was dancing. Some had tried to ask him to stop at the time, but he continued as others who had gathered, cheered on.
The police later filed a case, and took Junaid into custody.
The family has alleged that Hameed was taken to three different hospitals for treatment, after the first two hospitals denied to treat the young victim.
By the time the family reached the third hospital, they alleged that Hameed had lost a lot of blood and had become unconscious.
Speaking to reporters, Madhapur Assistant Commissioner of Police N Shyam Prasad Rao said, “The incident was purely accidental and there is no hidden intention. Though the weapon has been seized, since it is under nine inches long, it does not attract charges under the Arms Act. We have arrested Junaid and produced him before the court.”
The case has also brought such rituals, common in Hyderabad's Old City area, under the scanner.