This powerful optical illusion can cause temporary hallucinogenic effects

This powerful optical illusion can cause temporary hallucinogenic effects
This powerful optical illusion can cause temporary hallucinogenic effects
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The News Minute | December 12, 2014 | 10:03 am IST A video titled Eye - Optical illusion uploaded on YouTube by Science Forum 'has been carefully designed to create a strong natural hallucination based on the motion aftereffect illusion (MAE)'.This means that the video 'causes cells in the brain that are sensitive to a certain direction of movement to tire, which then activates the cells that respond to the opposite direction. This makes stationary objects appear to move', states a report by Daily Mail. The report also states that the MAE was first referenced in ancient Greek texts, although the origin is debated. To understand the concept of MAE better read Daily Mail's report Can YOU watch this optical illusion to the end? Stomach-churning video is the most powerful hallucinatory trick yetThis article first appeared on Daily Mail. The video comes with a disclaimer- This video may cause temporary hallucinogenic effects. These effects usually last a few seconds. Watch the optical illusion here. 

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