The News Minute | September 27, 2014 | 9:32pm ISTNew Delhi : The Prime Minister's Office Saturday initiated a special cleanliness drive by removing old furniture, newspapers and spraying disinfectants ahead of the launch of the Swachh Bharat Mission Oct 2 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.A PMO statement said that all officials and staff were given the responsibility to clean the identified places in the premises."The Prime Minister's Office initiated a special cleanliness drive in the PMO premises today. The staff participated in the cleanliness exercise with enthusiasm and helped in cleaning the corridors, floors, basement, parking area, lawn etc. of the office building," the statement said.Nripendra Misra, principal secretary to the prime minister, motivated the staff during the cleanliness drive."During the cleanliness drive, old furniture, newspapers etc. were removed from the premises for disposal. Disinfectants were also sprayed during the exercise," the statement said.It said that corridor walls were given a new look by putting up paintings and photo frames.Various competitions, including essay, debate and painting competitions were also organised. The PMO is observing a cleanliness week from Sep 25 to Oct 2.The Swachh Bharat Mission will be launched on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.IANS